Schools in Project
Schools in Project
Robert-Schumann Gymnasium
Robert-Schumann Gymnasium

Robert Schumann Gymnasium is located in Leipzig in Eastern Germany.
Founded in 1905, it´s a Music and Art oriented school with more than 600 students, from 10 to 18 years old.
The school has multiple music programmes , but also programmes for people that are interested in languages or other student chosen subjects.
Given the role the location and school played in the peaceful revolution, the school would like to share this knowledge and that of the new Germany with the exchange students, and the young generation.

Music School of Komotini
Music School of Komotini

The greek music school of Komotini is located in northeast Greece.
The school focused on music is being attended by 320 students, in the range of 13 to 18 years old.
The students come from different cultures and nationalities due to separation, which took place in the past in Thrace, which is where the school is located. Because of that. students have different backgrounds the school has decided to help them with private tutoring, mentoring, making joining projects possible with frequent parent communication.

Henri Coanda Theoretical High School
Henri Coanda Theoretical High School

Henri Coandă Theoretical High School is located in a city called Craiova, southern Romania.
The school is attended by 1100 students, ranging from 6 to 18 years old. Henri Coandă High School offers a wide range of learning fields, so humanistic, mathematical and a scientific profile.
Because a lot of students come from disadvantaged groups, the school aims to help them out and help them out somehow, like- involving the students in various activities and programmes, which should lead them to their personal and professional development.

Gymnázium Františka Palackého

Gymnázium Františka Palackého je vůbec první osmileté gymnázium v České republice, které započalo s výukou roku 1991.
Nachází se v Neratovicích, kousek od hlavního města Prahy. Gymnázium je všeobecné, což znamená, že se snaží studenty připravit na všechny možné obory, které by mohli chtít v budoucnu studovat. Vyučují se tu i předměty jako je latina, aby i lidé co by měli zájem např. o studium medicíny měli na čem stavět. Gymnázium se na tomto všeobecném stylu výuky zakládá.
Školu navštěvuje okolo 450 studentů a každý z nich má možnost trávit čas v prostorách školy po skončení vyučování a během teplých dnů využít hřiště na plážový volejbal a podobně. Díky tomuto na našem gymnáziu panuje velmi přátelská atmosféra a většina studentů má mezi sebou, ale i s vyučujícími dobré vztahy.